Friday, May 9, 2008

I want to run on the hillsides (part 2: escaping in small shoes) (Fall 2007)

you were standing in puddles
praying on eons to melt you
and I was yelling at clouds to disperse
holding my breath until I burst,

“who’s the sorrier fool” I ask,
“your feet or my winds?”
and you chesirely tap-danced,
up the avenue and into my head

don’t go make yourself a shadow
and take your hand away
cause I’m holding soft and supple
breathing in my fingertips

so let’s escape you declare,
run, run, run, run, run!
but I can’t, I’ve got too much to hope for,
isn’t that how they always get you,
tripping you on your gullibility,
and make you believe your car is necessary

who’s gonna hold down the fort?
we can’t all just be dreamers,
splash in puddles at another’s cost,
are you going to skip on the bill
and leave us on a rainy day?

I guess the lesson we all have learned here,
is not to go to extremes,
cause the world is made of different people,
and we all have different dreams

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