Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Let's Burn All the Buildings in Town (Summer 2007)

let’s burn all the buildings around,
they came uninvited to our town,
all tall and heighty, looking grand and mighty
at our little huts on the ground
let’s pretend like we are French,
rip ‘em up brick by brick,
and bring the Sears monster down

let’s burn all the buildings in town
after that throw all cars on the mound,
we can’t have them running, humming, and buzzing,
though we’re slow on foot we’ll go,
even cycles and trucks have got too much buck for us
let’s burn all the cars and towers in town,

let’s burn all the TVs, computers, cell phones
and machines that make funny sounds,
they ain’t doing me no service
just make me kinda nervous,
and want to hide in a hole underground
I could use my time better,
maybe knit me a sweater,
besides I’ve found more uses in my flyswatter,
let’s take all of gadgets, and autos, and flats
and make them a sacrifice to our city,
let’s burn all the progress in town

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